Hello Everyone, I'm sorry that it has been so long since my last post. I had intended to post about local events all winter long. Unfortunately, it has been a hectic fall and winter. Time has just flown by. Our area has had an abnormal number of strong storms. We've had one Nor'easter after another. From late September until 2 weeks ago, they have brought inches of rain at a time and caused lots of beach erosion.
Two weeks ago, we were hit with the first of three blizzards. That brought 12" of snow to the Rehoboth area. Exactly a week later, the second blizzard hit leaving us with another 12" or so. The picture above was taken of 34 Virginia Avenue right after that storm.

This is 38 Virginia Avenue after the 2nd blizzard. The photos are complements of Dustin Crago a dispatch for Rehoboth Beach Police Department. Thank you, Dustin!
We keep this home open all winter. When I realized just how bad the storm was going to be, I offered to let the PD use it to house the off duty officers and personnel. We have a really great police force. I knew that the officers would be exhausted when they got off duty and thought that it would be nice to make sure that they had a warm, comfortable place to get some rest and relax. They slept in shifts there for 3 days.

This photo was taken at the bandstand. If you look closely you can see the flag pole.

This is another picture of Rehoboth Avenue. I don't know whether you can see it, but the Subway sign is peaking out at you. Aaaaand hidden behind that huge pile of snow is Louis' Pizza. They will reopen in mid March. Man, just thinkin' about that makes my mouth water. There is absolutely nothing like Louis' Pizza. The pepperoni is sliced so thin that it gets really crispy and the crust has just a faint taste of butter. Ummmm!!!! Hurry up mid March!!!!

Here's our landmark replica of the Cape Henlopen Lighthouse. It's the first thing you see when you come into town as it now sits in the center of the turn about. Isn't is pretty sitting there in the snow? The wall you see peaking out of the snow is about 36" tall.

Here's a shot of Lake Geriar. It was taken on the North side of the lake heading toward the Henlopen Hotel. The high rise that you see in the distance is One Virgina Avenue. It's only a short block from my property. Isn't the lake lovely?
I did manage to get to Rehoboth last Monday right after Blizzard #2. Believe it or not, the outlets and Walmart were closed!!!!! Now you know that it has to be bad, when they close.
Route 1 was all but impassible, it was a solid sheet of ice. It seemed like the county had enlisted any and every sort of equipment that could push snow to clear the roads. The outlet parking lots have huge walls of snow along the highway. I would guess that the piles are 10 to 15 foot high. It's impossible to see what lies on the other side.
Now, you'd think that would be the end of it here, wouldn't you? Well, not quite! We were hit again on Wednesday! Yup, blizzard #3!!!!! Although we didn't get as much snow, this storm was worse in a number of ways. It started out as rain giving us a slushy mess. Then, the snow and the wind started, causing white out conditions and a lot of drifting. We have been under a State of Emergency so I haven't been out on the roads, but I've been told that there drifts over 9 feet high. Worst of all, there have been buildings collapse. The Robin Hood Restaurant and California Shine both have damage. I have been told that the back part of both buildings caved in from the weight of the snow. These buildings are next to each other in the ocean block of Rehoboth Avenue.
We have not had this much snow since the Blizzard of 1979!!! In fact, the weather here has been very mild for the last 10 years or so. In the last 6 years, we have had no more then a dusting of snow. I was beginning to think that my grandsons would grow up without experiencing the joy of playing in the snow. Now, the poor kids are sick of being house bound and ready to go back to school.
I plan on going to Rehoboth tomorrow, so I will try to get more pictures to post.
More bad news -There's more coming. . .
Stay tuned. . . . Stay warm!