Sorry, I haven't been very good about keeping my blog up to date. We stay so busy maintaining my homes and making sure that each and every guest has the best possible stay that I don't always get arround to maintaining my blog as I would like. I promise I will try to do better.
It's been an absolutely wonderful summer. There haven't been many rainy days to keep everyone from enjoying the beach. The weather has been a little on the warm side sometimes, buy hey that's purrrfect beach weather, isn't it?
We almost made it thru the season without any bad weather, but it looks like Irene may more then make up for our lack of stormy weather this year. This morning for the first time since I started renting my homes, my guests had to mandatorily leave Rehoboth a day early. Even worse, my incoming guests will not be able to arrive until late Monday, if there is no storm damage.
At this moment Rehoboth, as well as all the towns along the coast line, is a ghost town. Rehoboth has officially closed the bridges ~ no one can get into town unless you own property or are EMS personnel with ID. They are predicting that this will be the worst storm in close to a 100 years with major flooding. Fortunately, my homes are built on the highest point in town. I don't expect flooding, but I do believe that I will have damage. I shutter to guess how much. We have done all that we can do to insure they suffer as little damage as possible.
We are not leaving our home in Ocean View unless things get much worse then I expect them to. As I write this Irene has been down graded a little which is encouraging. However, this is still a very dangerous storm and not to be taken lightly. We have made evac plans, my home is secured, and I have moved many of my treasured pocessions to the 2nd floor. My husband's antique cars have been moved to higher ground and we are packed, ready to follow if need be.
Both my husband and my son are EMS personnel. My son is an EMT. He works for Ocean City, MD which is expecting to be hit much harder then Rehoboth. He has to report for work tomorrow morning, take his boat, and will not be released until Tuesday morning at the earliest. Ocean City closed the town last night. No one can get in unless they are a town employee reporting to work. The police are stopping cars to check ID's as you enter.
The pictures that I am posting are ones that were taken by a really good friend. As usual there are television station trucks all over the area. They seem to be the only ones that can get in town. I've done all that I can until after the storm, so I will not try to go back in town. The electric companies are saying that we can expect widespread power outages, so I may not have access to a computer for a while. I will post updates when I can!
Aaaaand so, we wait. . . . . .